Anne holds a PhD in Educational Psychology with a Mollie Holman Medal for the best doctoral thesis in education from Monash University. She is currently a Senior Research Fellow with the School of Educational Psychology and Counselling in the Faculty of Education at Monash. Before taking up this role, she worked as a research fellow at Melbourne Graduate School of Education, the University of Melbourne.

Anne has been working in a range of government-funded, consultancy and grant-based educational research in the Asia-Pacific Region, including Australia. She has strong quantitative skills and experience in large-scale survey design and analysis as well as longitudinal and comparative studies. Her research interests include teacher motivation, teacher education, teacher professional development, religion and education, and educational policy.

In December 2022, Anne received the Australia-Indonesia Institute Studies and Cultural Leadership Award for “excellence in study or research which has contributed to an increased understanding of Indonesia among Australians” in recognition of her LIFT Studies initiative.

Dr Anne Suryani is available for consultancies and teacher professional learning/development workshops.

Academic Profile


Selected publications 

Awards & Scholarships

2024 EPC School Award for Industry Collaborations, Monash University
2023 Advancing Women’s Success Grant, Monash University
2022 Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia-Indonesia Institute – Indonesian Studies and Cultural Leadership Award
2020 Dyason Fellowship
2019 MGSE Research Partnership Excellence Award, The University of Melbourne (with Prof. John Polesel and A/Prof. Shelley Gillis)
2015 Mollie Holman Doctoral Medal, Monash University
2015 AERA Motivation in Education Special Interest Group, Graduate Student Presenter Travel Award
2014 American Educational Research Association (AERA) International Travel Award
2014 AERA Motivation in Education Special Interest Group, Graduate Student Presenter Travel Award
2014 Postgraduate Publications Award, Institute of Graduate Research, Monash University
2013 Student Presentation Award, Motivation and Learning Special Interest Group, Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference
2012 Australian Scholarships Group Travel Grant Award
2008 Asia-Pacific Week Scholarship, College of Asia-Pacific, Australian National University
2006-2008 Australian Partnership Scholarship, Australia Indonesia Partnership for Reconstruction and Development

Competitive Grants
2021-2022 The Indonesia Democracy Hallmark Research Initiative, Collaborative Research Grant
2021 Melbourne Graduate School of Education [MGSE] Researcher Development Scheme
2020-2021 Melbourne-Indonesia Research Partnership Program
2020-2021 The University of Melbourne Early Career Researcher Grant
2019-2020 The Indonesia Democracy Hallmark Research Initiative, Collaborative Research Grant
2018 MGSE Research Development Award
2018 MGSE Seed Funding [with A/Prof. Shelley Gillis]
2018 MGSE Travel Grant
2016 Sydney Southeast Asia Centre, Travel Grant/Professional Development Workshop
2015 Australia Awards Alumni Reference Group, Professional Development Training
2015 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Division E (Counselling and Human Development), Early Career Faculty Mentoring Program
2014 AERA Division E (Counselling and Human Development), Graduate Seminar
2014 Australian Scholarships Group Equity Grant, Monash University
2013 Australia Awards Publication Funding

Other achievements
2014 Most Popular Entry, Images of Education Competition, Monash University
2013 Best Overall Entry, Images of Education Competition, Monash University